Thursday, October 13, 2011

The problem with food

This morning I made a cup of coffee and forget to dringk it. It got cold. Put it  in the microwave and forgot it in there. Found it 4 hours later. 

Tonight I cooked dinner. That was a big deal. I Was starving and impatient to eat becaseu I had forgotten to eat all day. I have set my phome to beep at me 3 times a day to eat. I have no sigmal from my body to eat and I can neber remember if I ate or not. After a lot of effort, I. finaly got everything hot at the same time and served it up. The next thing I know I am n the middle of an 40 minute phone call I made to the physical the;reiapist, and my diner plate is in fromt of me, cold. Why did I make an importatnt Phone call while my diner I just spent 30 minutes heating got cold?? I dont umderstand mysleft.

All day its’ like this. I waste so much tie spinneing my weheels/ I cant find anything. I cant remember anything. THe re are notes all over that I hae no idea waht they mean. phone hnumbers, names, thinkgs I meant to do, they make no sense whern I look at them. EVerything is dijointed.

1 comment:

  1. What happened to your husband? Where is he while all of this is happening? And your son? How are they eating dinner while you re not? Are you getting any kind of help, like therapy or something?

    I took part in a TBI exercise study here in New York City. After 4 years of sitting around I did not think I would be able to walk on a treadmill for 50 minute three times a week. I was very scared of falling at first and held onto the bars for dear life. It got easier and easier and it started to make me feel so much better. I even started to walk more than 3 times a week. When the study ended my husband could not believe the change in my mood. He made me join a gym so I would not slide back into lethargy and sadness. I also lost 20 pounds. I have a hard time making myself go every day but I am working my way up to 3 times a week.

    Baby steps and patience with yourself. All the best, Aly


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