Friday, September 30, 2011

Help... I Hope

Friday 10/22/10
I went to my first TBI survirs srupport group today. I expected to find peolpe in wheelcharis, drrooling, and ubable to speak. I expected to be onr of the more functional people there see people worse off thatn me. I went up to the group and at first, didtn thatingk that I had the right group. THey looked like a nice, happy bunch of college kids hanging out. I was surprised by al the big smiles. i asked if I had fgound the right group and they said yes. I waid “but you look so normal and functional!”. They smiled and replied “so do you!” Oh m y God. I never realized how normal I look on the outside. THat is the problem. I have an invisible injury. No one can tell how absolutely scrambled I am on the inside. Azaming! I didmt know.

THe support group was SO heloful. They had figured out all the resources, medical docs, OTs, therapists. I feel like i fimaly found some help. THe doctores i've seem have been useless. I fele like I am finallly gettimg somewhere.

They all had much more sever stories than me. CAr and bike accidents that had them have to lives without parts of their skull intact, finaly to be reaplaced with plastic foreheads or titanic plates. They were so happy and smiliey, it gave me hope. It alos made me feel like a pathertic whiner. Here I am in the midst of so much loss and grief and they are yougn. They have lost their youth, hteir entire lives. At least I had 46 years of normalcy. I ddidnt feel so functional and lucky all those years, but wow, what I didint know or apprecite then.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you said titanic plates. I am not laughing at you but because I can relate. I have titanium plates in my head and I look pretty normal too. Hang in there. Maybe you could use the spell check tool that is in the toolbar for blogger posts. It helps me a lot when nothing looks right. I am going to follow your blog.


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